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Zuzana Štěrbová
Zuzana Štěrbová

Researcher at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University

Dagmar Schwambergová
Dagmar Schwambergová

Researcher at the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, and junior researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health

Šárka Kaňková
Šárka Kaňková

Researcher and assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy and History of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Arts

Zsófia Csajbók
Zsófia Csajbók

Researcher and assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

Vít Třebický
Vít Třebický

Researcher at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and the Faculty of Science at Charles University

Lucie Jelínková
Lucie Jelínková

Postgraduate student of Zoology at the Faculty of Science, Charles University

Jitka Třebická Fialová
Jitka Třebická Fialová

Researcher at the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science and at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Žaneta Pátková
Žaneta Pátková

Researcher at Faculty of Science, Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

Jan Havlíček
Jan Havlíček

Associate professor at the Ethology Unit, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, and senior researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health

Kateřina Roberts
Kateřina Roberts

Researcher at the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University

Jakub Fořt
Jakub Fořt

Doctoral student of Zoology at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University and Psychology at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University

Saeed RezvaniNejad
Saeed RezvaniNejad

Doctoral student at the Faculty of Science, Charles University

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