Zsófia Csajbók
Researcher and assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
Her primary interests lie in mate choice and mental health research from a quantitative perspective. In mate choice research she investigates the key positive and negative dimensions of potential partner evaluation: the dealmakers and dealbreakers of mate choice. She studies what mate value is, its role on the mating market, and what factors affect self-perceived mate value. She is also interested in how mate preferences are integrated into the mate choice decision and what model has the best predictions. Her research on mental health targets how childhood socioeconomic background affects depression and cognition. She also studies longitudinal associations between later-life depression, cognition, and physical health. Further, she combines mate choice research with mental health research and studies how couples affect each others' well-being and mental health.
She uses various statistical methods. Confirmatory Factor Analysis: she is passionate about exploring the key dimensions of partner perception. Growth Mixture Modeling: she conducted studies extracting meaningful distinct longitudinal latent trajectories using this unsupervised method. Mediation Analysis: may it be longitudinal mediation or cross sectional, she is always up to figuring out a path model.
Cermakova, P. & Csajbók, Z. (2023). Household crowding in childhood and trajectories of depressive symptoms in mid-life and older age. Journal of Affective Disorders, 340, 456-461.
Csajbók, Z., Štěrbová, Z., Brewer, G., Cândea, C.A., De Backer, C.J.S., Fernández, A.M., Fisher, M.L., Garcia, J.R., Kruger, D.J., Massar, K., Oberzaucher, E., Quintelier, K.J.P., van Geffen, R.E., Varella Valentova, J., Varella, M.A.C., & Jonason, P.K. (2023). Individual differences in how desirable people think they are as a mate. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Csajbók, Z., Štěrbová, Z., Jonason, P. K., Cermakova, P., Dóka, Á., & Havlíček, J. (2022). Variation in depressive symptom trajectories in a large-scale sample of couples. Translational Psychiatry, 12, 1-6.
Csajbók, Z. & Berkics, M. (2022). Seven deadly sins of potential romantic partners: The dealbreakers of mate choice. Personality and Individual Differences, 186, 111334.
Csajbók, Z., & Berkics, M. (2017). Factor, factor, on the whole, who's the best fitting of all?: Factors of mate preferences in a large sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 114, 92-102.
Topics for possible graduate theses
- Dealbreaker (negative) and dealmaker (positive) factors of mate choice
- Homogamy or assortative mating, partners’ similarity to each other
- Mate value, predictors of desirability on the mating market
- Depression in relationships, emotional contagion